Review Policy

I am currently accepting requests for reviews. 

I am more than happy to accept print or e-copies of a book you would like me to review, although I prefer to receive a print copy. Please read the following. By responding and submitting a review request, it will be assumed that you have read and agreed to the following.

-While I love receiving requests for book reviews, sending me one is not a guarantee that your book will be reviewed.

-I do not accept all review requests.

-I will share my review (of any book) here, and on my social media accounts.

-I am on GoodreadsFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

-I guarantee that any review written on Love Read Love will be honest, and truthful to my opinion

-I reserve the right to not finish a book, and I will write a review of what I could get through.

-I am accepting ALL genres.

-Self-published books are currently being accepted.

-I will usually respond to a request within 48 hours of it being sent. Please DO NOT send multiple requests for the same publication. (It will not be accepted.)

-In your request, please include your name, a short synopsis of the novel, and if the novel is professionally or self-published.

-Please request a review for your book by emailing me at

For my readers:

I will always note in my reviews where I received the book from, if it was received from an author or publishing company, and it will always be 100% my own opinion.


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