TBT Review: Book of Love by Abra Ebner


Every Thursday I will post an older book review or a new review of a book I read a while ago. This week the book is Book of Love by Abra Ebner read and reviewed in 2012.


“We live many lives, Jane, but very rarely do we ever come across the same soul twice.”

When seventeen-year-old Jane Taylor witnessed her father’s death, something happened to her. Ever since, her thoughts have been consumed by death, going so far as to foresee the ever-changing deaths of those around her. Sixteen-year-old Emily Taylor resented her sister’s closeness with their father, who died when she was six. With the strange ability to read minds, she drowns the voices out with drugs, sending Jane over the edge. When seventeen-year-old Wes Green was adopted, he moved in next door to Jane, finding in her a childhood friend turned high-school crush. All summer, the pain in his bones seemed unwarranted. He was done growing long ago. When senior year starts, however, the pain only gets worse. The foreseen changes are not expected, and far too animal for his taste. When Max Gordon found himself standing above the dying body of an innocent seven-year-old girl, he saw in her eyes something he hadn’t seen in the century he’d spent roaming Earth. Her father was already dead, but there was hope to save her. Jane was her name, and already she was all he ever wanted. It was his job to bring her back, and it was his job to protect her – the biggest mistake of his life. When these four teens enter Glenwood High their senior year, no one but Max could understand the future ahead of them. Drawn together by blood and friendship, they each hide a dark secret that will soon bind them together. Max has to protect Jane, Jane wants to be normal, Wes wants Jane to love him, and Emily just wants the voices to stop… But their fate just wants them dead.


I had a really hard time getting into this book and I was about to put it down but I am so glad I kept reading! The characters are so developed I feel like they are my friends or me myself. I didn’t really like how down and out all of the characters always seemed but I got over that. I loved Wes and Emily’s relationship, and I actually was rooting more for them than for Jane and Max. I did not like Emily and Jane’s mother as a character, I thought she could have been portrayed in a better light than the usual “nothing without a man” character. I would recommend this book to anyone.


TBT Review: College Weekend by R.L. Stine


I’m starting a series in which I post a review that was written a while ago, or I will review a book I read a while ago. The first one in the series is College Weekend by R.L. Stine.

READ IN 2008.


Nothing can ruin Tina River’s big weekend at Patterson College with her boyfriend, Josh Martin. She’s so excited, she doesn’t even mind that her cousin, Holly, will be tagging along.

But when Tina and Holly arrive, Josh is gone. His roommate, Christopher Roberts, says Josh is stuck in the mountains, delayed by car trouble. That’s weird— Josh never mentioned he was going away.

It gets even weirder when Holly suddenly disappears. But Christopher isn’t worried— about Holly or Josh. Christopher seems to have the answer to everything. Tina is confused. But one thing is clear— she’s about to learn more about love and murder than she ever wanted to know.


This is the typical cheesy R.L. Stine book, but this book will always have a special place in my heart. Normally, I would not like a character like Tina because she has a very cry-baby attitude but I just love this book. I love the character of Christopher even though I probably shouldn’t. I love the plot, I love the setting, I just love everything about this book even though people might judge me because of that. For being only 147 pages, this book does what some books don’t, in that it gives you relatable characters and a story that can be loved by readers. I would recommend this to anyone because it is enjoyable and a quick read.
