Review: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn


“I was not a lovable child, and I’d grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul, and it’d be a scribble with fangs.”

Libby Day was seven when her mother and two sisters were murdered in “The Satan Sacrifice” of Kinnakee, Kansas.” She survived—and famously testified that her fifteen-year-old brother, Ben, was the killer. Twenty-five years later, the Kill Club—a secret secret society obsessed with notorious crimes—locates Libby and pumps her for details. They hope to discover proof that may free Ben. Libby hopes to turn a profit off her tragic history: She’ll reconnect with the players from that night and report her findings to the club—for a fee. As Libby’s search takes her from shabby Missouri strip clubs to abandoned Oklahoma tourist towns, the unimaginable truth emerges, and Libby finds herself right back where she started—on the run from a killer.


Gillian, Gillian, Gillian! Her books always have me reading until the late hours. Just like Gone Girl, I could see that this one was going to be GOOD. I found the original premise to be intriguing but it took me a while to get into it. As with Gillian’s other works, it leaves you feeling like you’ve been invited into some deep dark corner of the world to hear a crazy tale, and I kind of love it. I think that Libby was an incredible character, and I also liked the switch in characters and time periods. Some people might be lost in parts of it, but it is all explained at the end. This is a dark read, and should not be read in conjunction with other dark reads. I suggest reading something light and happy after J I really enjoyed this book, and I would love to get some comments after you guys have read it to tell me what you think!


One thought on “Review: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

  1. I love Gillian Flynn! Her novel gone girl is my favourite of all time. Although I liked this book I did not love it and I think that is because gone girl holds such high standards in my books. I want to say thank you though for writing such an incredible review! Also you have a really amazing blog! Keep it up! (:


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