Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer


“Even in the Future the Story Begins with Once Upon a Time.”

Cinder has never felt like she belonged in the Earth province of New Beijing. Her stepmother hates her, her kind stepfather died when she was young, and she’s a cyborg. In New Beijing, cyborgs are treated about the same as those with letumosis, the deadly disease that is ravaging the province. All this is happening, with the Lunars waiting and watching every move they make for a chance to declare war and take over their province. Throw in a boy, a sick sister, and mysterious secret and this story is perfect for the Young Adult genre.


Marissa Meyer comes up with a perfect twist on a conventional fairytale in Cinder. The cyborg element adds enough suspense that the fantasy lovers will rejoice. Meyer wrote the character of Cinder very well, and the details kept me interested and not confused. The twist on the original fairytale makes it feel as if you are reading an entirely new idea. The stepmother and stepsister characters fit perfectly well with the expectations. The scenes with the Lunars added even more fantasy to the story, and kept me on the edge of my seat. Prince Kai is a character that left me rooting for New Beijing. Cinder has the characters deal with real life issues in a fantastic setting, which connects the audience and the characters and lead to an all-together great story line. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.


2 thoughts on “Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

  1. I actually borrowed this from the library and read it years ago but wasn’t much of fan then. I own a copy now so I’m seriously debating to pick it up and reread it. I have to agree that this retelling had a nice twist though!


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