Review: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.”

Tally Youngblood wants nothing more than to turn pretty. That’s what kids do when they turn 16; get an operation to make them beautiful. While Tally is waiting for her 16th birthday she meets a new friend, Shay. Shay has questions about turning pretty and decides she doesn’t like the idea. One day Shay goes missing and the government decides that Tally must help them find Shay or never turn pretty.


I really came into reading this book with doubts. Isn’t it just going to be about self-absorbed people? Boy, was I wrong! Westerfeld brings you into this world and does not let you go, even after reading it. I found myself thinking about the characters even when I weren’t reading, I connected really well with the characters, especially the ‘Smokies’. The only complaint I have is that I didn’t get enough time with David and the rest of his friends and family in The Smoke. I felt like Tally arrived and then her time at The Smoke was over. I would recommend this book to anyone. No content warnings.


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